Welcome to the Astro SPA Examples. These live demos illustrate how to use this integration to use Astro to build single page applications and collaborative microfrontends with Astro.
Welcome to the Astro SPA Examples. These live demos illustrate how to use this integration to use Astro to build single page applications and collaborative microfrontends with Astro.
A simple demo of a dynamic Astro counter using Vanilla js and stores
A simple demo of a dynamic counter using React.js and stores
A simple demo of a dynamic counter using Vue.js and stores
A simple demo of stores allowing for server-side and client-side temporary sessions
A simple demo of using frames to scope stores for server-side and client-side temporary sessions
A simple demo of SPA-routing using the Astro PWA file-system router
A simple demo of a form that is submitted on the server
A simple demo of a form that is sent to the server using React, and then submitted on the server
A simple demo of Astro frames allowing a sub-page to be loaded into a page as a refreshable server-rendered island of content
A simple demo of all counters built using supported frameworks sharing state using stores